Infrastructure Improvements and Road Realignment

Since 2018, the School has followed an efficient and incremental approach to infrastructure improvements.  Completion of these critical upgrades provides the necessary foundation
for all future capital projects. 

Once completed, the most significant area of infrastructure renewal becomes largely invisible with the development of a utility ‘backbone’ providing underground
pathways for essential utility services.
Vital for the health and safety of our School community is the reliability of:

  • Electric power. 
  • Communications and data. 
  • Life safety alarms and
    signaling systems,
  • Access to domestic and fire protection water systems.  

Surface improvements will visibly enhance the community aesthetic, while also improving safety and accessibility. Realigning and widening the Children’s Village Lane provides:

  • A pathway for the utility backbone.      
  • A lower road elevation for an ADA compliant bus drop off location, and improves sight lines for both drivers and pedestrians.
  • Added walkways along Children’s Village Lane eliminates the need for students to walk in, or along, the road edge.