Camphill Academy

The Camphill Academy is a community of learning rooted in the life and work of the Camphill Movement in North America. It aims to provide paths of transformative learning that allow individuals to unfold their potential to contribute to the healing of the human being, society and the earth.

Students of Inclusive Social Development at The Camphill School have the option to pursue a concentration in the area of Curative Education. 

Curative education is an interdisciplinary approach to providing holistic support to children, adolescents and young adults who encounter significant challenges on their individual path of development. Its concerns are thus broader than those of the special education teacher, whose primary focus is on academic learning and skill development. Curative Education includes education and therapies, but also a recognition that a child’s lifestyle and overall life situation can help or hinder development. Curative educators do not look at classroom or therapy settings in isolation, but work with the totality of a child’s life circumstances. Like Waldorf education, curative education is based on Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual-scientific view of the human being, anthroposophy. 

The concentration in Curative Education is available to students enrolled in the programs at The Camphill School, a curative educational school community offering education, care and therapy to children and adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Its activities comprise the ‘Children’s Village’ at Beaver Run, with its K-12 Waldorf School and residential program, and the Transition Program at Beaver Farm for young adults aged 18-22 who are preparing for their transition to adulthood.