Study Inclusive Social Development at The Camphill School
Are you looking for a transformative learning experience? Are you ready to deepen your understanding of Camphill, anthroposophy, or inclusive community building with knowledgeable and passionate instructors? Are you interested in pursuing college-level studies in the field of inclusive social development debt-free?
If so, you may be eligible to apply to Camphill Academy’s practice-integrated post-secondary programs in Inclusive Social Development, the art of building inclusive communities, which includes supporting individuals in finding and maintaining meaningful and fulfilling work, as well as enriched social and cultural lives.
The Camphill Academy offers three consecutive levels of certification, which build on each other and are typically completed in one, three, or five years of full-time study. Programs emphasize emergent field-based learning within the context of community life. In addition to academic and artistic coursework, students’ activities include participation in extended-family living, the cultivation of an active cultural and spiritual life, and supervised practice within the context of the home, café or bakery, craft workshop, biodynamic farm or garden, and other inclusive enterprises.
Offering the only program of its kind in the English language, the Camphill Academy attracts students from all over the world. All program costs are carried by the participating communities in form of a ‘Community Fellowship’, so there is no tuition or cost to students to participate. This allows students opportunities to study and make progress towards a bachelor degree through one of our degree-granting partner colleges and universities without incurring financial debt.
To learn more or apply, please visit

The Camphill Academy is a community of learning rooted in the life and work of the Camphill Movement in North America. It aims to provide a path of transformative learning that allows individuals to unfold their potential to contribute to the healing of the human being, society and the earth.