Everything is Rhythm

In our on-campus houses, everything is rhythm. From the structure of the days, weeks, and months to the transition through the seasons, verses and music help students realize this rhythm.
Each morning, a recorder is played to wake up the children. The sound and tones produced by a recorder bring energy and awakening in a positive way to start the day.
The Sun with loving light
Makes bright for me each day,
The soul with spirit power
Gives strength unto my limbs,
In sunlight shining clear
I revere, Oh God,
The strength of humankind,
Which Thou so graciously
Has planted in my soul,
That I with all my might,
May love to work and learn.
From Thee stream light and strength
To Thee rise love and thanks.
Music and songs are helpful in other ways throughout our days. A song, made up in the moment, helped a student with their morning routine of brushing teeth, combing hair, and getting dressed. The repetition of this song on a daily basis allowed this child to not only remember, but enjoy what they needed to do to prepare for their day. We also use songs to help keep pace on a walk. A brisk, tempo and percussive melody keeps us moving forward and mindful of our steps.
Meals and house circles start with a verse or song related to the time of year. This again brings in the rhythm of the seasons and related celebrations. Autumn starts with a verse of courage and strength as cooler days arrive and students begin a new school year. Winter verses emote a feeling of peace and calm as we settle into cozy hearths and warm surroundings. Verses for spring celebrate the reemergence of plants and the return of a warmer sun. Longer, hotter days full of life and being active outside in nature fill the lines of songs shared during summer.
In contrast to the energetic recorder played at the start of each day, a lyre, an ancient hand-held string instrument, is played in the evening. Lyres emote peace and calm. Each young child is settled into their bed with a song and verse. House parents or resident volunteers visit each child separately for this nightly routine. As students get older, this ritual is shared amongst the entire house community in the living room. Older students are given the opportunity to build confidence in being able to settle themselves into bed to prepare for the restoration of sleep.
A star for you to wish on,
A sun so warm and bright,
A moon for you to sleep on,
Happy dreams,
A kiss goodnight.
The cycle of the day and year are celebrated and used as a tool to create balance, peace, and a predictable nature for our students. Through this rhythm, a sense of regularity, balance, and calm can be established and, with that, our moods and behaviors can be managed more easily and comfortably. With rhythm comes balance and peace.