Our First Christmas Market

Beaver Farm hosted our very first Christmas Market at Foxfield Barn on December 3. This was a massive undertaking, with everyone lending a hand. Leading up to the day, our pre-vocational crews brainstormed items they could prepare to sell while a small committee sent out emails to our friends at Partners Creating Community, Mosaic Place, and The Camphill School Beaver Run campus to gauge interest in being vendors alongside Beaver Farm. With friends onboard, Haleh made a gorgeous piece of art to use for a flier, and advertising began so we could finally welcome the greater community to shop at Foxfield Barn.
Last week, Ani and her estate crew gathered tables and cleaned the barn, with Lauren joining to lay out and organize the space on Friday. Tables were decked in festive linens, lights were hung, and on Friday, the tables began to fill with one-of-a-kind items perfect for under the tree.
Saturday arrived, but so did a forecast for rain, lots and lots of rain. With moisture and the question of “will anyone come?” in the air, vendors pensively put the finishing touches on their wares while looking at the clock and waiting for the day to begin.
The turnout was amazing! Within 20 minutes, the barn was bustling, music was playing, and people were shopping. In the first hour, the farm had sold all ten of the sheepskins they had brought, and the tea boxes from the herb garden were flying off the table. Framed preserved insects kept the kids busy once they had finished choosing their items from the Children’s Market and the cookie table, while their parents purchased coffee from Pear Tree Roasters and bread from Green Lion for breakfast the next day. The pottery & fiber table was buzzing with oos and ahhs as shoppers chose the perfect platter and colorful woven scarf. The vendors at Foxfield Flowers looked like acrobats as they climbed step ladders to retrieve wreaths one after the other throughout the day.
A highlight for many was the reunions that occurred all throughout the day. Graduates of Beaver Run and Beaver Farm walked through the door alongside their parents and caretakers to be immediately embraced by coworkers and peers whom they hadn’t seen in years. Long lost friends who had once shared a breakfast table reconnected over hot chocolate with the Beaver Farm choir singing in the background.
At the end of the day, everyone agreed that the event had been an enormous success. Not only did everyone have almost empty tables, but we were also able to invite people from all over to join us for an incredible day. The crowd was a mix of members of the Camphill community as well as people who had only just heard about us through talk of the market. By opening our doors, we were able to let people know a little bit more about what we do at Beaver Farm and why we do it. We are so grateful to everyone who participated in our Christmas Market this year, and we look forward to welcoming you all back in 2023!