Giving Tuesday 2022

The wait is over – #GivingTuesday is finally here!
It’s not too late to join a team and create your own personal fundraising page.
Donate on Tuesday, November 29th, 2022, to create transformative educational opportunities for The Camphill School students. Join together with the Camphill community by making your gift on this national day of giving.
Do you have a loved one who has everything? Give in honor of a friend, neighbor, family member or coworker. You not only give a unique and priceless gift but are able to introduce The Camphill School to someone who might otherwise not know about us. You are helping us create new relationships and potential for future supporters.
Share, share, share our messages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, email, text and, of course, by word of mouth. Your endorsements and support are critical to the success of this one-day campaign!
Please contact Hope at with any questions.

“Some days, I feel like I’m against the wall
But then, I look at you standin’ strong and tall against it all’
Thank you, Amos Lee, for giving us the words that express our admiration for our students and all the strength, joy, and purpose they bring to our lives. Their light shines bright and guides us every day.
“As grandparents of a young girl who lives amidst our commercial culture and virtual reality, we are so thankful that Martha has been able to experience a wholesome, playful, and unencumbered environment these past 2 1/2 years. The walks in nature, filled with wonder and imagination, have cultivated a “joie de vivre” that she expresses in our own walks in woods and gardens and the ocean that we visit. We experience how Meadowsweet has helped to cultivate a healthy imagination that transforms the every day into a magical mood of soul that protects the wonder of childhood. This enriches our family life and blesses and renews the wonder we can experience through her joy. Martha loves movement, and Eurythmy has brought a deeper dimension for her experience of her body and its relation to space. The loving celebration of the festivals and birthdays engender a deep mood of appreciation for those special moments that shine out through the year. But perhaps one of the most precious gifts Martha has received has been the mood of friendships she has learned and the awareness that Martha is part of a community where each person cares for the other, where joy grows and where respect, appreciation and friendship are the beacons that guide healthy relationships. We are deeply grateful for the loving environment that her teachers and helpers have created for Martha and we are hopeful and also expectant that she will be able to take these with her into the world she will soon enter.” – Jeff and Holly

“It has been such a joy and privilege to be a part of the Camphill family. This is Vinh‘s second year as a Day Student at Beaver Farm. We love how Vinh’s instructors (Laura, Ani, Christopher, and Sam) have helped Vinh explore his interests and find his strengths. Every morning, Vinh works in the Estate Crew. He likes to work outside and has a blast pushing a wheelbarrow & pulling weeds in a garden. Vihn has learned how to feed the chickens, pigs, and cows. He has also learned to carefully collect and wash the eggs and carry the tray upright. He loves the hot, delicious, and healthy lunch served on campus. In the afternoon, he helps clean up by sweeping and mopping the floors.
He also enjoys hiking, singing, swimming, and social activities. It has been wonderful to see Vinh have the opportunity to take field trips outside of the state! One of Vinh’s favorite memories was visiting D.C. during his 12th-grade year as a Beaver Run student. We’ve seen his confidence grow, and we know he has a great time with his peers. Thank you so much Camphill!” – The Le Family

“The Camphill community is one which brings out the best in each child. Rather than seeing our daughter’s differences as needing to be “fixed” so that she can “fit in,” they are embraced as her unique way of relating to the world. The setting is beautiful and the staff are caring. Our daughter comes home happy each day, and in the morning, she is eager to go to school. The focus of spending time outdoors each day fits our daughter well. We are grateful that she has the opportunity to attend Camphill!”- Frank and Samantha, Natalie’s parents

“Camphill means the world to Gavin and our family. Every day he is met with warmth, patience, and understanding. He has an incredible bond with his friends and caregivers. We are truly blessed to be a part of this community. It continues to be amazing to watch him grow into a more independent and confident young man.” – Kristin Schwabenbauer, Gavin’s Mom

“Since the day we stepped on the campus of The Camphill School, Beaver Run, we just knew this was the place for Leah. She has profound developmental delays due to a neurological defect (thin Corpus Callosum) and has always struggled in the public-school system. Camphill has been her saving grace, her second home, the place where she can truly be herself and is embraced for all that she has to offer. She is 15 now and has been thriving at Camphill for 4 years! We are eternally grateful that we stumbled across this little piece of heaven in the mountains of PA.” – Elissa, Leah’s Mom

“The decision to send our daughter, Juno, to Camphill School, 400 miles from home, was heart-wrenching and life-changing. Juno’s intellectual disabilities and autism made it impossible for her to participate in any classroom learning or enrichment programs or even eat lunch with other kids at the local high school. Despite the dedication of specialists and caregivers and our own constant efforts, opportunities for Juno to be among peers were extremely limited. When she started to wake up on Saturday mornings and, with her very limited language, say, ‘find friends?’ we knew it was time to integrate her living and learning in a community that could satisfy her hunger for social interaction and make the most of her incredible gifts as a joyful and loving human being. Now, at Beaver Run, she gets to eat dinner at a large and welcoming table, be stimulated with a robust curriculum in a classroom (Astronomy! Comedy and Tragedy!), experience the arts with woodworking or weaving, and haul giant trash barrels up a driveway to help her household. In just one year, we have seen subtle and profound progress in her language, resilience, and autonomy, all supported by the loving bonds she has made with her new Camphill School family. We are so grateful that she has this new community — and that we do too.” – Liza, Juno’s mom, and Mike, Juno’s Dad

“Our daughter, Soukaina Farah, has been a Camphill for 5 years now and there have been many teachers and programs that have helped her on her path towards wholeness.
Over time she has learned to have trusting relationships and made many friends amongst staff and students, and she has become very expressive! Now at Beaver Farm, she takes pride in her responsibilities on the kitchen crew, loves the animals, and her housemates.
We are very grateful for the environment at Camphill and the people who have been integral to her growth and happiness.” – Amy, Soukaina’s Mom

“Thanks to the Camphill School, Skyler has finally found a place where she can feel free to be herself and continue to bring joy into the world. At Camphill, everyone matters. Each day is like a new beginning for Skyler where she gets to explore, learn, and grow in ways that we never imagined were possible. This is what happens when you have a school that nurtures the whole child through loving and accepting them for where they are in their process. At Camphill, the teachers and staff work tirelessly to create a culture that says, “You matter, and You Belong.“ – Skyler’s parents