Editor’s note: Originally published in 2021. For this article, three houseparents were interviewed about what being a house parent entails and how parents of students can support their child’s house and their extended school family. Thank you to Michael Oliveira…
There is so much work going on at the Transition Program! Everyone is active, engaged, and
busy: tending the livestock; growing crops, herbs, vegetables, and flowers; or working in the
kitchen turning the produce from the farm and the garden into delicious nutritional meals for
all to eat; or working in the workshops transforming the raw materials produced on the land
(the plants, flowers, wood, and wool) into pieces of art and beauty…
The pigs on the farm have been called "little bulldozers" for a good reason: they are quick and thorough in clearing the land of overgrowth and rooting out refuse left by previous tenants…
Each house chose a decade spanning from the 1950s to the 2000s. They then researched the decade and learned about historical events, fashion trends, and hit songs from the era. Everyone agreed that putting on a small performance celebrating the times would be the most fun, giving us plenty of time to practice and not be too stressed…
Every day we take the same walk. Getting into boots, coats, or in summer sunscreen and hats, we head out the door, cross through the trellised archway, and down the woodchipped path…
We’re excited to bring the second part of our interview with Amelia, a student who joined us in 2019 and who transitioned from our program at the beginning of winter break. Amelia was an active and crucial member of our Foxfield Flowers crew, where she feels that she truly found her calling. She also formed lifelong friendships while here at Beaver Farm, and she shares a bit about all of this and some advice for students new to Camphill below…
For Martin Luther King Jr Day 2023, our community came together in a food walk-a-thon to support the Chester County Food Bank and the St. Mary's Franciscan Shelter…
While our program operates on a typical school calendar, some students may leave us a bit early, depending on a number of factors. Amelia, who moved to Beaver Farm in September 2019, is one such student who found herself moving from our transition program in the middle of the year…
Beaver Farm hosted our very first Christmas Market at Foxfield Barn on December 3. This was a massive undertaking, with everyone lending a hand. Leading up to the day, our pre-vocational crews brainstormed items they could prepare to sell while a small committee sent out emails to our friends at Partners Creating Community, Mosaic Place, and The Camphill School Beaver Run campus to gauge interest in being vendors alongside Beaver Farm…